$RISE token is the native token of Sunrise network. $RISE token can be used for fee.
$RISE is preserved as urise
in the Sunrise blockchain. 1000000urise
in the blockchain means 1 RISE in the real world.
Ticker: RISE
Denom in the blockchain:
Alias in the blockchain:
Supply cap: 1,000,000,000RISE =
$RISE can be minted by burning $vRISE 1 to 1 if the following rule satisfies:
$vRISE token is a non-transferable token for staking. The staked amount will be calculated as a voting power for the governance.
Ticker: vRISE
Denom in the blockchain:
Alias in the blockchain:
Supply in genesis block: 1,000,000,000vRISE =
$vRISE can be staked to the Sunrise network. The staked amount will be calculated as a voting power for the governance. Furthermore, the rewards for stakers will be distributed in proportion to the staked amount.
Inflation rate schedule
On chain parameters
The actual inflation rate will vary from the target inflation rate according to the bonded ratio.
Max inflation | 10% |
Min inflation | 6% |
Off chain parameters
Disinflation rate per year | 8% |
Converged inflation | 2% |
Low bonded ratio
Year | Inflation |
0 | 10.000000% |
1 | 9.200000% |
2 | 8.464000% |
3 | 7.786880% |
4 | 7.163930% |
5 | 6.590815% |
6 | 6.063550% |
7 | 5.578466% |
8 | 5.132189% |
9 | 4.721614% |
10 | 4.343885% |
11 | 3.996374% |
12 | 3.676664% |
13 | 3.382531% |
14 | 3.111928% |
15 | 2.862974% |
16 | 2.633936% |
17 | 2.423221% |
18 | 2.229364% |
19 | 2.051014% |
High bonded ratio
Year | Inflation |
0 | 6.000000% |
1 | 5.520000% |
2 | 5.078400% |
3 | 4.672128% |
4 | 4.298358% |
5 | 3.954489% |
6 | 3.638130% |
7 | 3.347080% |
8 | 3.079313% |
9 | 2.832968% |
10 | 2.606331% |
11 | 2.397824% |
12 | 2.205998% |
13 | 2.029518% |
14 | 2.000000% |
15 | 2.000000% |
16 | 2.000000% |
17 | 2.000000% |
18 | 2.000000% |
19 | 2.000000% |
Supported wallet applications
Wallets that support Cosmos blockchains
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Listed exchanges
Coming soon
Last updated