
The module x/swap serves the functionalities to swap tokens with the liquidity in the x/liquiditypool module.

Interface Provider Fee Rewards

Any frontend application that is built on top of the swap module has the ability to earn fees. How is this done?

There are 2 important parameters to note:

  • interface_fee_rate: A fee, denoted in percentage, that is taken from the total amount of the swap.

  • interface_provider: An address that specifies where the fee will be sent. If no address is provided, no interface fee will be taken.

Swap Message Types

There are 2 message types that can be used to specify the amount received or the amount sent.

MsgSwapExactAmountIn – Swap tokens with a specified input amount

This message allows users to swap tokens by defining the exact amount of input tokens they wish to provide. The corresponding output will be calculated based on the specified input.

MsgSwapExactAmountOut – Swap tokens with a specified output amount

This message enables users to swap tokens by defining the exact amount of output tokens they want to receive. The system will calculate the necessary input amount to achieve the desired output.


This module supports Swap Routes with a recursive structure, allowing for complex swaps involving multiple steps, either in sequence (Series) or simultaneously (Parallel). Each step in the route is validated and processed to ensure inputs and outputs are correctly handled.

message RoutePool {
  uint64 pool_id = 1;

message RouteSeries {
  repeated Route routes = 1 [
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true

message RouteParallel {
  repeated Route routes = 1 [
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true
  repeated string weights = 2 [
    (cosmos_proto.scalar)  = "cosmos.Dec",
    (gogoproto.customtype) = "cosmossdk.io/math.LegacyDec",
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true

message Route {
  string denom_in = 1;
  string denom_out = 2;
  oneof strategy {
    RoutePool pool = 3;
    RouteSeries series = 4;
    RouteParallel parallel = 5;

Swap Middleware for ICS20 Token Transfers

Swap functionality can be automatically triggered by ICS20 token transfer packets.


A serialized PacketMetadata JSON string needs to be placed in the memo field of the ICS20 transfer packet.

type PacketMetadata = {
  [namespace: string]: unknown;
  swap?: SwapMetadata;

type SwapMetadata = {
  interface_provider: string;
  route: Route;

  forward?: ForwardMetadata;
} & (
  | {
      exact_amount_in: {
        min_amount_out: string;
  | {
      exact_amount_out: {
        amount_out: string;
        change?: ForwardMetadata;

type ForwardMetadata = {
  receiver: string;
  port: string;
  channel: string;
  timeout: string;
  retries: number;
  next?: PacketMetadata;

The ForwardMetadata is derived from the Packet Forward Middleware.

Sequence diagrams

Basic Swap Without Forwarding

In this scenario, the token transfer occurs, followed by a swap, but there is no forwarding to another chain.

Swap with Forwarding

In this scenario, the token is transferred, swapped, and then forwarded to another chain.

Swap with Excess Refunded and Forwarding

When a swap specifies an exact output amount, any excess input is automatically refunded. After the swap, the remaining tokens are forwarded to another chain.

Receiver Address Handling

After the swap, even if a subsequent change or transfer fails, the confirmation of "token X transfer" will always succeed. The swapped tokens remain in the receiver's account.

See Github for more details.

Last updated